Aircraft Management

Skycharter develops management programs to help aircraft owners, eliminating the burden of overhead and regulations associated with setting up your own flight department.  Through our careful selection of managed aircraft, we provide each owner an exceptional client experience, though reliable dispatch and
personalized attention.

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One of the reasons Skycharter has enjoyed an unblemished safety record for over 50 years is our commitment to hiring only the most qualified pilots, for both experience and judgement. Unlike many corporate and commercial operators, Skycharter doesn’t provide a stepping-stone path for junior pilots to gain experience, but selects only those who have demonstrated experience and sound operational judgement. Skycharter has been audited for safety by many corporations; we have maintained the ARG/US safety rating since 2014.


Applying both institutional experience and that of seasoned professionals, Skycharter makes it easy for owners to fly where they want, when they want. We hire and supervise flight crew, ensuring their training and qualifications remain current at all times. We supervise timely maintenance to control costs and ensure air-worthiness. And we provide accountability in flexible, transparent formats so it’s easy to see where costs are incurred.


With dedicated Client Relations staff having broad industry experience, owners can have their aircraft ready for dispatch to almost any destination within hours.

Cost Savings

Skycharter is able to provide 3rd-party charter income. Our experience, relationships and industry knowledge help achieve cost savings at airports throughout North America. In Toronto, Skycharter is one of the rare operators that own their own facilities, providing not only cost savings for hangar and fuel, but the confidence of knowing your asset will be hangared indoors at all times.

If you are interested in purchasing an aircraft, or already own an aircraft and would like more information on Skycharter’s aircraft management program, please contact us.

As an independent full-service aviation company, Skycharter offers you concierge service and cost savings other operators in Toronto cannot. Whatever option you choose, you’ll appreciate the convenience of operating from Skycharter’s private FBO facility at Toronto’s Pearson Airport.

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Corporate aircraft association
argus skycharter limited
european bsuiness aviation association
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