MARCH 2022

The average private jet travels at 500 MPH or a mile in 7.2 seconds, we did the math.

Now you might ask yourself what does all this speed have todo with an Alphabet? 

At this speed getting your message across clearly without the need of repetition is important.

To ensure there is clear communication, aviation professionals use a phonetic diction English language.

A bit of history….

in the 1920’s a spelling alphabet was created to support radio communications to overcome the lack of technology at the time.

Almost 30 years later the US “Able Baker” Military alphabet was adopted.  It was discovered that many of the sounds were unique to the English language and a Latin version was created but both were discontinued. It was decided by the IATA (International Air Transport Association) that a single universal alphabet would be used, submitted to the ICAO in 1947.

Quick fact:  Did you know that the ICAO asked Jean-Paul Vinay a linguistics professor at the University of Montreal, to assist with the final version.?

Here are some examples

 (S)         Phonetic Pronunciation (SEE-AIR- RAH)

 (K)          Phonetic Pronunciation (KEY-LOH)

 (Y)          Phonetic Pronunciation (YANG-KEY)

Sierra Kilo Yankee Charlie Hotel Alpha Romeo Tango Echo Romeo

Private jet travel offers more options with less time spent on the ground and in contact with others.



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